Spain Digital Nomad Visa

The Spain digital nomad visa is a dream come true for the modern nomad. Finally, you can live your dream of waking up to Tapas and Speaking Castilian Spanish daily. In this article, you will find everything you need to know about the Spain Digital Nomad Visa. Below are the key points to save you some time. 

What is the Spain nomad visa?

The Spain Digital Nomad Visa is a travel authorization allowing non-EU citizens to live and work in Spain. It is for people who can prove they work online and have a stable income. Please note the visa is a work in progress.

How long is the visa valid for?

The draft law (Startup Act) states that: 

Another step forward is in relation to the figure of “digital nomads,” entrepreneurs and remote workers that settle in Spain. These individuals will have the option of residing and working in Spain for five years, and will be eligible for a special tax regime, paying Non-Resident Income Tax.” - draft Startup Law

As reported by the statement above, the visa will be issued for five years. Keep in mind this is a draft version of the law and is subject to change.

Will I pay taxes?

I am sad to say that yes you will have to pay taxes however, there is a tax reduction! 

Significant tax measures are introduced, such as a reduction in Corporate Tax and in Non-Resident Income Tax (which drops from 25% to 15%) for four years, as well as interests and deposit-free deferral of tax debt payments.” - draft Startup Law

The corporate and non-resident income tax will be reduced from 25% to 15% for the first four years. That sounds like a deal to me; 25 is a large number…

What are the requirements?

There are a few things to be aware of to be eligible to apply. below is a comprehensive list of requirements you must satisfy:

  • Be a Non-EU citizen

  • Be a remote worker

  • Meet financial requirements set out by the Spain Government

  • Employed by a foreign company, that company cannot be located in Spain

Most visa applications will require the submission of common documents relevant to the application. These documents are not officially announced but most likely will include:

  • Employment contract

  • Letter from employer

  • Bank account statements

  • Declaration letter stating you plan to work and live in Spain

  • Proof of accommodation for the duration of stay

Right now you should be itching to get your hands on an application but do not worry. The answer to the question that has been bothering you since you opened this article is below.

When can I apply?

The Spain Nomad Visa is not ready just yet. However, it is set to be released in September at the latest. Let's hope they stick to that release date. Be sure to follow my blog to be the first to know when new information is out. If you cannot wait for the visa to be released, you're in luck. There are more options available! Next week we will take a look at more Spain visa options. Be sure to check back to learn about other visa options available to you.


Spain Visa Options