5 Reasons for Installing Solar

Solar panels are all the hype right now. I thought it would be a great idea to help people understand why. So, I decided to write this blog post. Below, I outline 5 key reasons for installing solar panels on your home.

Live Off the Grid

There are many reasons for having solar panels, but let's start with my personal favorite, living off the grid. There is nothing quite like the feeling of freedom you get from knowing you are generating your own power. Generating your own power comes in handy If your neighborhood is unlucky enough to have an outage, you can rest assured knowing you are capable of generating your own power. Not only can you avoid power outages, but you can operate outsi/de of the grid. That means you can have electricity anywhere you want: a cabin in the woods, beach house, some far getaway only you know about. Just think of the opportunities!

Increase Your Home Value

Solar panels really do increase the value of your home. According to a study done by zillow, Solar panels can increase the value of your home by around 4.1% on average. I can’t think of a better reason to convince someone to install panels on their home. But, ofcourse, panels are a bit of an investment up front. If you want to make your money back on a solar installation you will need to wait about 5 to 10 years before you break even. That may seem like a long time, but solar panels are made to last around 25 to 30 years, which translates to 20-25 years of pure profit! Also, it’s important to note that plenty of panels last long past their guaranteed lifespan.

Reduce Utility Bill

Another way to save tons of money is by reducing your utility bill. Depending on the solar installation, you can reduce your utility bill drastically or completely altogether. You can even qualify for programs that allow you to get paid for the excess energy you produce. You heard right, you can sell your excess energy to the grid.

Take Advantage of Tax Incentives

How can I make a profit off of solar panels you ask? Well, first off, let’s talk taxes. There is a 30% tax credit you can qualify for. You get refunded 30% of the price of your solar panels, which translates to you getting thousands of dollars for free! Some companies also offer “free installations”, which is another way of saying you can lease panels on your home. There are other incentives as well, you can look at the State incentives for renewables per state.

Produce Clean Energy

On top of the financial incentives for people to invest in solar, you can reduce your carbon footprint by using solar panels. Solar Energy is clean energy, so it does not pollute the environment. Solar energy is also renewable, the sun won't go out any time soon.

Solar Panels will be a great addition to your home. In my opinion, The benefits out-way the cost. If your not sure how to move forward, You should consider getting a quote from a solar provider in your area.


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